Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jane, His Wife

You know how sometimes you'll make a visual connection in your head? Maybe it's just my terrible visual memory. I don't know. Either way, before I started writing this post, had you asked me if this dress was identical to Jane Jetson's, I would have said "Absolutely."

Apparently, I was wrong. I don't know if it was the big collar or what, but even now I'm not convinced that this was just some Jetsons-themed hallucination.

It's not just me, right? If Jane never wore it, at the least, it had to have been in her closet.

Forever 21 Tuxedo Belted Sleeveless Coatdress - $44


  1. I don't know. It's definitely Jane Jetson-esque. If you hadn't provided the picture of Jane, I would have totally been on board with that being her dress.

  2. Right???? I had to post the picture solely because I couldn't believe that it wasn't her dress.

  3. I would so wear that dress.

    It is Jane Jetson-like. You're not crazy, Amanda.
